Walking Home from The Lorax

While we were waiting for the corned beef to cook and mommy did what ever women do at a baby shower we walked down to see The Lorax.  Another remake in the age of noting original, though it is not really a remake, but more of a second adaptation.  And a very loose adaptation at that, but very nicely done.

He really enjoyed the film, and for a children’s movie I did rather enjoy it… not like the three times I sat through Chipmunks Part 3 this summer.  Made by the guys who created Despicable Me and almost as good, Lorax would get an A- from the in child in me.  My wife would say my inner child dominates my personality, she may be a bit more right than wrong.

On the way home I thought I would try to be philosophical dad and talk about nature and how important it is to all of us and he looks up at me and says:

GG: Dad You silly! I like trees, but Lorax wasn’t about trees!

Me: Well what is it about?

GG: I don’t know.  (His favorite words, even when you know he knows the answer)

Me: Is it about promises?  Or maybe doing what you are told when a wise man warns you not to?

GG: Yes, bad things happen when you don’t keep your promises.

Me: Well then just remember what you promise, your word is very important to keep when you make a promise.  Ok?

GG: (Looks at his feet for a moment) Ya…..

GG: (Then looks up with the epic-eyes that I know I am in for something good)  Dada, I promise I will never let you down.

Me: (Speechless) Thank you bud.  (What else can you say when a 3-year old drops that line.)

We may think we are the teachers of our children, but sometimes they surprise us and let us know that they have it under control.

Love you bud.